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5 posters

    Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!!

    Junior Hustla
    Junior Hustla

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    Join date : 2011-03-18

    Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!! Empty Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!!

    Post by FEEDMEcKANDY Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:29 pm

    There's a WORLDWIDE ONLINE casting call being held to find the next superstar to portray the one and only TUPAC SHAKUR!! Don't miss this opportunity to stardom! tinyurl [.] com/4fc9pbx
    Junior Hustla
    Junior Hustla

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    Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!! Empty Re: Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!!

    Post by justbeazy Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:52 pm

    Josh Harroway is my pick. He is a classically trained actor who has basically captured the essence of Tupac. He strikingly similar to 2pac in many ways. Very Happy
    Junior Hustla
    Junior Hustla

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    Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!! Empty Re: Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!!

    Post by MAKAVELIBOMB2012 Wed Mar 30, 2011 1:24 pm

    1. Josh Harraway is the world's first 2pac Impersonator.

    He's been doing Mind of Makaveli, private parties, shows and television appearances for years including Seducing Cindy [Reality show], VH1's Famous Crime Scene [a reenactment of Pac's Vegas shooting], TMZ,(Comedy Central), Entertainment Tonight and a lot of other shows.


    2. Josh Harraway studied theatre and acting over a 6 year period at the Alexander Dreyfoos School for the performing arts in West Palm Beach, Florida. He's an actual professional actor, not just one of these random guys going everywhere dressed up like Tupac. He's been on countless film sets. He's a professional. He's sober and focused on his craft.

    (music video Josh stars in with over 600,000 views so far. "I'm On Crack", by the Left Rights)

    3. "But Josh Harraway does'nt SOUND like Tupac"
    Josh Harraway is a professional actor who can alter his voice. He has been studying Tupac's mannerisms and speech patterns with many people who were actually close to Tupac Shakur. You have not seen him in character as Tupac. When you do you will change your mind.

    4. Does Will Smith usually talk like Muhammed Ali in real life?

    No. He's an actor. So he changed his voice and portrayed him in Ali. Daniel Day Lewis changes his voice all the time. So does Johnny Depp, Gary Oldman etc. The production company isn't seeking someone who's actually been to prison, been shot 5 times, and lived Tupac's real life. They are seeking an actor who show up to set everyday, take direction, can look similar to Tupac and portray his character.

    Josh Harraway is the Guy !!!!!!! http://insearchoftupac.skeetv.com/

    5. In any line of work your resume Speaks.



    (TMZ interview)

    (Commercial Preview RE: VH1 "Famous Crime Scene")

    (Rollingstone interview RE: VH1 "Famous Crime Scene")

    (TV Schedule RE: VH1 "Famous Crime Scene")

    (New York Post Article)


    ( Vh1 Famous Crime Scenes Part 1)


    ( Vh1 Famous Crime Scenes Part 2 )


    Junior Hustla
    Junior Hustla

    Posts : 1
    Browser : Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!! Fmchro10
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    Join date : 2011-03-30

    Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!! Empty Re: Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!!

    Post by tina23 Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:25 am

    Josh Harraway is the best for this ! He is a professional actor who can alter his voice! You have not seen him in character as Tupac. When you do you will change your mind. Josh Harraway is the Guy !!!!!!!
    Junior Hustla
    Junior Hustla

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2011-04-01

    Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!! Empty Re: Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!!

    Post by bezzRo1 Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:04 am

    Best lookalike Ive seen hands down is Josh Harraway, he's a pretty good actor too! I\'d Hit It

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    Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!! Empty Re: Casting Call for TUPAC MOVIE!!!

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