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2PacShakurChannel Forum

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    Junior Hustla
    Junior Hustla

    Posts : 3
    Browser : Inconsideration Fminte10
    Mood : Inconsideration Cynicaly
    Join date : 2010-12-17

    Inconsideration Empty Inconsideration

    Post by NothingSomthing Fri Dec 17, 2010 9:37 am

    When whe lay ar last wurds down
    i wonder if thers is
    somthing to look up to
    whe trust the choices that whe make,
    whe take the woens
    and the hard Eeks
    and watch dos hwo
    ar left behind
    Purra Nana you say to da
    what you sie i Be RIGHT!!..
    purra nana ..
    Whe take the place
    with no name on the ceet
    be right or wrong
    you take the heat.!?
    be gone be low
    be king our so
    be strong to nowe
    you here in it do.

    One by one
    whe cut fall
    stand our weep
    dee grasp for yall
    find a piece
    or corner it oll
    once again ontop of oll
    flame the cake
    unrap it oll
    find the cake
    dont stop at oll

    Dont stop dont stop
    whe as poeheadticss
    bottel glass up
    to undermine
    the free spirit
    to catch up
    to further conclusions
    cheese frees cute
    to humore the sad
    i mean WTF.

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 04, 2024 9:55 pm