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2 posters

    2pac have a child?

    Junior Hustla
    Junior Hustla

    Posts : 3
    Browser : 2pac have a child? Fmchro10
    Join date : 2011-06-03

    2pac have a child? Empty 2pac have a child?

    Post by jrasik Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:49 pm

    In the video clip "I wonder if heaven got a ghetto" 2pac sleeps with his gf, then you see her at 4:08 rubbing her stomach? maybe 'pac had an unborn child on the way.

    Apart from that one there's a lot of other clues in that video, but that one stood out to me more.

    Junior Hustla
    Junior Hustla

    Posts : 4
    Join date : 2011-09-14

    2pac have a child? Empty Re: 2pac have a child?

    Post by lilsykes Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:14 am

    does he have a child and if so what is the childs name and where are they now?

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